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October 19, 2010


Hokay, so if you haven't seen it before, Eraserhead is the most whack, fucked up film that could ever exist. It makes little to no sense and has the most "out-there" plot line conceivable by man. It's a David Lynch film and I watched it last night, whilst pretty high. I understood absolutely nothing and was just freaked out the entire time.
If you've watched it before, comment with your reviews / opinions, if you haven't, watch it anyway and comment :D


  1. ive never seen this before but it seems worth looking up

  2. Looks intresting gunna look it up later

  3. Ya just cut 'em up like regglar chickens

  4. Once you start delving into what the different characters and freaks of the film symbolize, things make a lot more sense.

  5. Great movie, good lighting, good director, good hair. Watch any Lynch movie, they are soooo great. On this movie I do like some of the social commentarys he portrays in this movie

  6. ill make sure to come back and comment again, AFTER i watch it. might take me a couple days =/

  7. At first I was surprised with how many people haven't seen it... then I remembered that not everyone is an art/film school student, haha.

    Big fan of this movie, it was probably the most dreamlike movie I've ever seen, definitely moreso than Waking Life : P
