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October 30, 2010

Exam Time!

Ugh, so the beginning of next week marks the start of exam week for me :(
Anyone doing college or school even? I'm currently studying Psychology at uni, I'm a first year :o
What was you're favourite subject at school / uni?
pic related: first image result for "pencils and shit"

October 28, 2010

Reno 911!

If you've never seen Reno 911!, I highly suggest you watch it. It's an American TV Series which is a spoof of COPS. It's hilarious. Most of the material on the show is improvised which is pretty cool. I've just started watching it an I'm loving it, I'm up to Season 2 of 6.
There's also a movie too :o



October 25, 2010

Music and Dancing

I love music.
I thought it'd be an interesting question to pose, how do you dance?
Do you have any specific technique?
Do you do lessons?
What type of music do you listen to?
Listen to this song: http://www.robotskream.com/skrillex-remixes-alejandro/

October 19, 2010


Hokay, so if you haven't seen it before, Eraserhead is the most whack, fucked up film that could ever exist. It makes little to no sense and has the most "out-there" plot line conceivable by man. It's a David Lynch film and I watched it last night, whilst pretty high. I understood absolutely nothing and was just freaked out the entire time.
If you've watched it before, comment with your reviews / opinions, if you haven't, watch it anyway and comment :D

October 14, 2010


Just quickly, does anyone find that their washing machine eats a few of their socks?
Because I swear that every time I put 6 socks in, 5 socks come out. I'm for ever looking for that "other" sock of a pair. Something must be done about this.
these are what socks are for all you non-sockers out there

October 12, 2010

Cannabis Should Be Legal Worldwide

In case you have never seen this before, it's a great documentary on cannabis and well, everything about it! It's called The Union and if you haven't seen it yet then I thoroughly suggest that you watch it. Do you part to promote the legalisation of cannabis and prepare your self for world peace :D

October 11, 2010

A Pretty Cool Video

I love the way this video is put together, big shout outs to the guys who created it: http://pigwithfaceofboy.blogspot.com/

A Few Cute Pictures

So I've been away for the last couple of days and I'm sorry for the lack of posts. I'd thought I'd share a few pictures from my /cute/ folder to give you guys a good start to the week. Enjoy :)
Kitty and doggy joining forces
tree dog
Yea, It's a bunny clapping
Have a good week :)

October 7, 2010

New Zealand

Recently I went to New Zealand on a family holiday, it was great fun and I thought I'd share a few photos.
To be honest, I can't really remember all the places we went to, because they all have 'Kiwi' names that are long and difficult to pronounce :P

Mountains near Cadrona Ski Fields
some place
Well, I think that's about enough photos for now, I can upload some more later.
Enjoy and I'll keep posting as much as I can!


This is my new blog where I'll be posting anything that really comes to mind. Pictures, music, thoughts and all that kinda stuff.
I'm not really new to the blogging scene, you can check out my music blog robot skream

Hope you enjoy the stay :)